API service mobilité et MaaS
Services de Mobilité
- API Ile-de-France Mobilités : https://doc.vianavigo.com/api-carpool/
- API Karos : https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/Karos/karos-api/1.1.0-oas3
- API BlaBlaCar-Lines :
- API Klaxit : https://dev.klaxit.com/swagger-ui?url=https://via.klaxit.com/v1/swagger.json
- API RDEX : https://www.feduco.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/apiRDEXv1.2.1.pdf
- API RDEX+ : https://rdex.fabmob.io/
Transports Publics
Véhicules libre service
- GBFS : https://github.com/NABSA/gbfs
- Uber : https://developer.uber.com/docs/riders/ride-requests/introduction
- TripGo : https://developer.tripgo.com/
- Combitrip : https://www.combitrip.com/combitrip-api.php
- [Hollande] Transport Operator Mobility-as-a-service Provider (TOMP) : OpenAPI 3.0 documentation is also available at https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/TOMP-API-WG/transport-operator_maas_provider_api/
- SHOTL : https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/Shotl-transportation/maas/1.0.0
- MaaS4EU : https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/MaaS4EU/MaaS4EU/1.0.0-oas3
- Data HUB Mobi-iti développé par OKINA : https://github.com/okina-transport/naq-doc et https://www.okina.fr/opendata/
- ECOSSE : Two Application Programming Interface (API) specifications are available as Open Standard : https://opentransport.co.uk/open-standard/
- 1.Customer-account API : A standard API design for transport data sharing and therefore mobility account interoperability. Provides a consistent way for customers to integrate their MaaS or Transport provider account data ( journey, ticket and discount) with another similar account or a value-added service (e.g. a Delay Repay provider) https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/open-transport/customer-account/
- 2. Centralised Operator-info API A design for a centralised API look-up service for finding the location of data across different Transport operators and MaaS platforms. A first-of-a-kind technical directory service, based upon Internet of Things (IoT) principles, allows one Operator’s system to automatically find the latest URL of data (e.g. the Customer-account API) provided by another operator, regardless of transport mode. https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/open-transport/operator-info/
Organizations using or interested in using the resource: Collectivité Territoire
Tags: API, MSP, MaaS, Mobi-iti, okina, TOMP
Categories: Logiciel, Données
Theme: Données ouvertes, MaaS, Logiciel Libre, Collectivité
Challenge: Améliorer les solutions et développer de nouvelles solutions de mobilités pour tous
Key people to solicit:
Other related common:
Wealth sought: Expérimentation, Cas d'usages, Contributeur - Communauté
Required skills: Information, Pratique de mobilité
Community of interest: Communauté autour du Covoiturage quotidien, Communauté des acteurs de l'autopartage et location courte durée, Communauté du Logiciel Libre, Standards Ouverts pour des MaaS d'intérêt général
Terms of Service (TOS):
Level of development:
Link to my actions board:
Link to my cloud, wiki, drive…:
Needs: à compléter
Next step:
Documentation of the experimentations:
Other informations
List of the actors using or willing of using this common: aucun pour le moment
List of the workshop reports related to this common: