
From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités



Short description: We see multimodal mobility as a nessecary step towards sustainability.

Full description: The tools we build are based on, or use, open source software or open data. Open is about more than tech, it's a mindset that we translate to the way we organize ourselves, our relations with clients and partners.

Edit, test and publish alternative transport schemes. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) designers and experts, advanced intermodal routeplanning & traffic simulation.

Tags: multimodal, route planner, calculateur, travaux, working

Fabmob member:

Theme: Open Street Map OSM, Vélo et Mobilités Actives, Données ouvertes, Traces de mobilité et des données associées, Logiciel Libre, Collectivité



Creation date:

Countries of deployment: Belgique

Cities of deployment: Gent

Geocode the address to put it on the map

Specific place of experimentation:

Type: Entreprise



Needs & contributions :

Challenge(s): Accompagner une collectivité à ouvrir un maximum de ressources et construire un kit d'aide à l'innovation, Améliorer les solutions et développer de nouvelles solutions de mobilités pour tous

Actions implemented by the Territory:

Partenaire impliqué (industriel, fablab, labo...) :

Wealth brought be the actor:

Common(s) proposed (under conditions): Itinero Open source Route planner, Open route Service

Terms of services for the commons proposed:

Community(ies) of interest: Communauté du Logiciel Libre

Link to mailing list:

Link to chat channel: [1]

Link to actions board:

Link to cloud, wiki, drive:

Report involving the stakeholder

Liste des connaissances liées à Anyways :

Common(s) Anyways use or the ones Anyways contribute to or want to contribute:

Communities Anyways is involved with:

List of project hosted by Anyways:

List of vehicles hosted by Anyways:

List of job and internship proposed by Anyways: