Digital Transport 4 Africa

From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités

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Welcome on Digital Transport 4 Africa Wiki

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Meeting at the AFD (09-11-2017)

This community aims to empower existing entrepreneurs dynamics and all stakeholders : cities, formal operators & informal, drivers, citizens, agencies like AFD and clusters. Our goals should also be to connect different cities and countries.

The process is committed with several objectives[edit | edit source]

  • identify, gather and synchronize stakeholders on first operational deliverables,
  • equip entrepreneurs' communities with open resources identified and produced,
  • produce locally open and shared resources corresponding to the needs of local communities.
  • and then reinforce communities with operationnal & open assets

Governance[edit | edit source]

  • Light & agile
  • Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) among members of the community with accordance on guidelines (to be done)

How to work together[edit | edit source]

Resources[edit | edit source]

Resources described on this wiki[edit | edit source]

Open Resources[edit | edit source]

Data Collection ToolsAgence Française de Developpement, Jungle Bus, Digital Matatus Team
Donkey Car
GTFS For ParaTransit System?Digital Matatus Team, GTFS for the rest of Us?
How to choose a protective license? (Data & Software)LEROY Tom
OSM ToolsOSM Fondation, Jungle Bus, Digital Matatus Team, Where Is My Transport?
OSM Tools/Jungle Bus Mobile AppOpenStreetMap, Jungle BusLAINEZ Florian, PAVIE Adrien, LEHUBY Noémie, HAYAT Flora, DE CHATEAU THIERRY Vincent, KARINTHI Jean, ZIMMERMAN Jean-Louis, ORTOLA Loic, RHOD Pascal
Pilote Project OverviewJungle Bus, MIT, Digital Matatus Team, Transport for Cairo (TfC), Agence Francaise de Developpement, University of Nairobi, World Resources InstituteCHEVRE Antoine, LAINEZ Florian, KLOPP Jackie, HEGAZY Mohamed, CAVOLI Clemence, SADIER Simon
TransitWand AppDigital Matatus Team

Projects[edit | edit source]

Accra MobilityJungle Bus, Urban Transport Project, Transitec, Ghana's OpenStreetMap community, Agence Française de Développement, Departement of TransportCHEVRE Antoine, LAINEZ Florian, SADDIER Simon, NYAMADOR Enock Seth, LEHUBY Noémie
Case Study of Lubumbashi - Effects of informal Labour and Informal TransportDepartement of Geography - Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Departement of City Planning - The TechnionKarel MARTENS, Tamara KERZHNER
Digital MatatusDigital Matatus Team, Rockefeller Foundation, Matatu's drivers and owners, Nairobi populationKLOPP Jackie, WILLIAMS Sarah
Mapa dos ChapasChapas Crew, Waza, UCL Project, DFID, AGIR Program, University College of London, Transport Department of the Maputo City Council, Maputo City Council, Atromap, Athmap, Asoctra, Public Bus Operator (MTP)CAVOLI Clemence, Joaquín Romero de Tejada
Mobilise your cityADEME, AFD, CEREMA, CODATU, Agence Française de Developpement, FFEM, European Commission, ADB, GIZ, BMZ, CONCITO, DESPACIO, WUPPERTAL INSTITUTE, KFW, EBDR, UCLG, UN-HABITAT, ECF, Global Partnership for Informal Transport, PLATFORMA, EU Commission, MTE, EBRD, Wuppertal Institute, ITDP, Platforma, UN-Habitat, Despacio, ConcitoSasank Vemuri (Coordinator of the MobiliseYourCity Global Secretariat -, Giuliana Ambrosino (Communications Officer –, Alex Bourreau (
Transport for Cairo (TfC)Digital Matatus Team, Transport for Cairo (TfC), Takween for Integrated Community Development, Expo LiveHEGAZY Mohamed, KALILA Adham, GABER Islam, HEGAZY Abdelrahman

More informations about those projects? [Pilote Project Overview]

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