GTFS validator

From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités

A GTFS Schedule (static) General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) feed validator

💼 porté par MobilityData


A GTFS Schedule (static) General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) feed validator


This command-line tool written in Java that performs the following steps:

  1. Loads input GTFS zip file from a URL or disk
  2. Checks file integrity, numeric type parsing and ranges as well as string format according to the GTFS Schedule specification
  3. Performs GTFS business rule validation

Organizations using or interested in using the resource:


Tags: GTFS, validateur, validator

Categories: Logiciel, Données

Theme: Données ouvertes, Logiciel Libre


Challenge: Augmenter les connaissances partagées en cartographie et usages des véhicules et réseaux de transports

Key people to solicit:

Other related common: Gtfs2NetexFr, OSM to GTFS, Validator GTFS files

Wealth sought: Contributeur - Communauté

Required skills:

Community of interest:

License: Apache License 2.0

Terms of Service (TOS):

Level of development:

Link to my actions board:

Link to my cloud, wiki, drive…:


Next step:

Documentation of the experimentations:

Other informations

List of the actors using or willing of using this common:

List of the workshop reports related to this common: