GTFS validator
A GTFS Schedule (static) General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) feed validator
A GTFS Schedule (static) General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) feed validator
This command-line tool written in Java that performs the following steps:
- Loads input GTFS zip file from a URL or disk
- Checks file integrity, numeric type parsing and ranges as well as string format according to the GTFS Schedule specification
- Performs GTFS business rule validation
Organizations using or interested in using the resource:
Tags: GTFS, validateur, validator
Categories: Logiciel, Données
Theme: Données ouvertes, Logiciel Libre
Key people to solicit:
Other related common: Gtfs2NetexFr, OSM to GTFS, Validator GTFS files
Wealth sought: Contributeur - Communauté
Required skills:
Community of interest:
License: Apache License 2.0
Terms of Service (TOS):
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