Innovation Copilots
Short description: A consultancy agency focused on leapfrog innovation
Full description: Innovation Copilots works at the crossroad of emerging consumer behaviors and the rapid introduction of game-changing technologies. Since 2007, in Europe and China, we’ve been working both with industrials that too often can only play defense and startups that can only play offense. This gives us a unique view of how markets are reconfigured in real-time from both sides.
Tags: innovation
Fabmob member:
Theme: MaaS
Creation date:
Countries of deployment: Hollande
Cities of deployment:
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Specific place of experimentation:
Type: Entreprise
Needs & contributions :
Actions implemented by the Territory:
Partenaire impliqué (industriel, fablab, labo...) :
Wealth brought be the actor:
Common(s) proposed (under conditions):
Terms of services for the commons proposed:
Community(ies) of interest:
Link to mailing list:
Link to chat channel: [1]
Link to actions board:
Link to cloud, wiki, drive:
Report involving the stakeholder
Liste des connaissances liées à Innovation Copilots :
Common(s) Innovation Copilots use or the ones Innovation Copilots contribute to or want to contribute:
Communities Innovation Copilots is involved with:
List of project hosted by Innovation Copilots:
List of vehicles hosted by Innovation Copilots:
List of job and internship proposed by Innovation Copilots: