
De Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
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Description en une ligne : Safeboda connects customers with professional drivers that have been trained in road safety, customer service, motorbike maintenance and first aid through a partnership with the Ugandan Red Cross.

Description : The problem: According to a study by Mulago Hospital in Uganda, motorbike (boda- boda) accidents contribute to 75% of traffic-related trauma cases. The increased number of road accidents is set to match HIV/AIDS as the highest cause of death in low/middle-income countries by 2030.

The solution: The startup has improved the mobility industry for both drivers and passengers by increasing the number of safe trips taken per day and by making travel around cities convenient and stress-free. Through their online mobile app, Safeboda connects customers with professional drivers that have been trained in road safety, customer service, motorbike maintenance and first aid through a partnership with the Ugandan Red Cross. Safeboda provides high standard training to motorbike drivers who join the Safeboda community. After the short period training, the company selects those who have passed the test and provides them with safety equipment such as two helmets (for the driver and passenger) and reflect jackets for easy identification while on the road by vehicle drivers during the night to reduce on the road accident levels.

State of development: Safeboda was Launched in November 2014 in Kampala- Uganda. In 2018, the startup company reached 8,000+ registered riders which made it the biggest ride-hailing firm with the most riders in East Africa. In the same year, Safeboda officially started its operation in Nairobi, Kenya.

Funds raised: Safeboda raised total funding of USD 1.3Mn since the establishment in 2014.

Business model: Safeboda costs its passengers for the journey travelled per kilometre and time spent on the road using their inbuilt tracking app. Safeboda drivers pay a one-time subscription fee to be part of the service. On a weekly basis, drivers purchase head covers for their passengers from Safeboda, the head covers are non-re-usable hence used once per a passenger.

Ambition: To expand operations in other African economies that support motorbike business and currently are planning to enter the Nigerian market.

Achievement: Safeboda has been ranked as one of the best Fin-tech startups of 2018 in Uganda and East Africa by the Daily Monitor Newspaper. Best African App – Safeboda (Uganda) by African App awards 2018 in South Africa.

Within the context of road safety in Africa : Safeboda has modernized the informal motorbike transportation sector with safe access to mobility by passengers. Through their extensive driver training and safety equipment such as helmets, the levels of road accidents caused by reckless motobike drivers has reduced.

Appreciation: Safeboda has produced a good number of professional motorbike drivers that have earned trust from the public for their numerous innovations towards reducing the level of accidents caused by motorcycle drivers. 10 years ago, the Government of Uganda had seen it impossible to manage and professionalize the boda-boda industry. But now, through Safeboda, drivers are trained, monitored and given the best safety equipment to transport passengers hence reduce road accidents.

Links to know more:

Text prepared by Jerry Mbabali

Tags : Ride Hailing Service, moto, Movin'On LAB Africa (OMA)

Adhérent FabMob France :

Thème : Africa

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Date de création : 2014

Pays d’implantation : Ouganda, Nigeria

Villes d’implantation : Kampala, Nairobi

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Type : Entreprise, Startup

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Communauté(s) d’intérêt : Communauté des acteurs en Afrique

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Liste des véhicules portés par SafeBoda :

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