Twizy Open Source - P.O.M.
Short description: Offrir la base roulante de la Twizy à des partenaires pour innover dessus
Description: Many stakeholders already develop and work on EV and autonomous EV. Cities are also impacted and become involved. Schools need to redesign their program, and labs are working on this topics for many years. But between these different stakeholders, there’re no standard, no connexion.
Open source is very powerful to create useful connexion.
FabMob ( , and ) start working on this problem and propose with Renault to develop an open source Twizy (POM project) with autonomous capacity.
Like Baidu with its open source autopilot, the business case proposed is to imagine business models associated with this open resource. Many stakeholders can be interested with this open resources : city, lab, school, industry… It’s possible to create valuable business model based on open source.
Place of use/experiment:
Map (testing):
Tags: voiture autonome, véhicule autonome
Theme: Open HardWare, Navettes autonomes
Organizations interested in contributing or already contributing: RENAULT
Organizations using or interested in using the resource:
Véhicule(s) impliqué(s) dans le projet :
Challenge related to this project: Abaisser les barrières pour innover sur le véhicule
Common(s) used: Véhicule Open Source pour la formation et l'éducation, Plateforme véhicule Twizy robotisé
Common(s) produced:
Related community: Twizy Contest
Key people to solicit:
Level of development: :
Link to forum:
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Link to cloud, wiki, drive:
Complement :
Next step:
Vous avez des questions ou commentaires sur cette page : Discussion:Twizy Open Source - P.O.M.
Other informations:
POM project : Hardware platform of Twizy open for ecosystem innovations :
- Target : opening design of future vehicles,
- Opening a technical minimal platform for co-development based on Twizy
- why ? benefits with different levels of opening ?
- which compenents ? how to deal with non-Renault components
- build different scenario of opening, with different licences associated with risks/benefits associated
- Several circles of contributors :
- University, schools, startup, makers,
- ex-suppliers becoming partners, cities,
- industrial,
- Start for problem to solve then Transform the vehicle to invent new usages
- Needs expressed : feedbacks from ecosystem to Renault design,
- Asset proposed by Renault :
- Hardware open with all specs,
- Production of POM as a derivative in the existing assembly line
FabMob Connexions Propositions :
- connect this project with Phil Tinn, MIT Autonomous Shared Bike Platform :
- connect this project with Cesar Harada :
- connect or even Join dynamic for co-create
- connect with ZF project :
- connect this project with Chris Anderson database for DIY autonomous vehicle
Actions propositions :
- Which Open Twizy and why ?
- why opening risks/benefits with different levels of opening ?
- which compenents ? how to deal with non-Renault components
- build different scenario of opening, with different licences associated with risks/benefits associated
- Integrate European Project Open! for qualify "openess" of the project :
- Build National or European Challenge based on Twizy Hardware starting with Urban problems to solve : FabMob Open Challenge
- Support the project with advises on licences, how to reduce barriers, how can we help this internal project to deliver in Renault and outside ?
- Design Hackathon based on Twizy and others open assets for example for
Ateliers :