
From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités

Herdr is a privacy conscious multiplatform mobile data collector


[WIP]. To see screenshots of the app go to this PR #5

Herdr is an activity tracker (walk, run, bike, in vehicle) allowing you to automatically record your personal geolocation data in a cloud service. You can set it to activate geolocation recording only when certain activities are detected.

For now, Cozy Cloud is the only supported cloud storage service.

Organizations using or interested in using the resource: Collectivité Territoire

Contributor(s): F8full

Tags: trace, traceur, cozy

Categories: Logiciel, Données

Theme: Open Street Map OSM, Traces de mobilité et des données associées, Logiciel Libre


Challenge: Augmenter les connaissances partagées en cartographie et usages des véhicules et réseaux de transports

Key people to solicit:

Other related common: Kit Minimal pour créer gérer et partager des traces de Mobilité, Vélocalise - Findmybikes

Wealth sought:

Required skills:

Community of interest: Communauté autour des traces de mobilité et des données associées


Terms of Service (TOS):

Level of development: POC et 1er client

Link to my actions board:

Link to my cloud, wiki, drive…:


Next step:

Documentation of the experimentations: à tester !

Other informations

List of the actors using or willing of using this common: aucun pour le moment

List of the workshop reports related to this common: